One week ’til Christmas! Here are the plans for our last few days before we celebrate the birth of our Savior and spend some time resting and enjoying time with our families.

7th Social Studies

The students will take their test on chapter 4 on Tuesday, December 19th. Extra help will be Tuesday morning before school. You may view the study guide here. 

8th Social Studies

The students are currently working on a song writing project about the election of 1912, which they will perform for their classmates this week. Then, we will wrap up chapter 19 by studying the women’s rights movement and the early civil rights leaders, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. The students will complete a DBQ as their chapter assessment.

8th Religion

We are currently studying how God used Rahab to help save the Israelites, and then become part of the family line of Jesus. We will then study the conquest of the Promised Land. The memory passage for this week is Psalm 46: 1,7. This can be found on page 49 in the student book, or by looking at an ESV Bible. The quiz is Wednesday.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to each of you. If you do not ave a church home, we will have several services at Trinity on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Please check the church website for more details,