This Week in Art 10/23/17

ECC4/5:  Vassily Kandinsky — Concentric Circles

Kindergarten:  Leaf People Collage

Gr. 1:  Leaf Rubbing Resist

Gr. 2:  VanGogh Drawings — Lines, Swirls, Color and Texture

Gr. 3:  Flowers in Vase (Impressionist Style)

Gr. 4:  Construction Paper Landscape Collage

Gr. 5:  Rorschach Paint Blob Creations

Gr. 6:  Positive Negative Design

Gr. 7:  Exercise in Shading and Variations

Gr. 8:  Japanese Notan Design

Elective:  Four Seasons Tree Collage on Canvas

Keep Creating and Enjoy Your Week!

Mrs. E. Kerwin