READING- Our essential question is, “How do living things change as they grow?” We will read the stories, It Is the Wind, and From Caterpillar to Butterfly to help us answer the question. Our high frequency words are, “find,” “from,” “but,” “this,” “came,” and “on.” Continue to read and practice these new words and others words we’ve learned thus far. In phonics the students will practice recognizing the initial and final hard “g” sound as in “goat” and “bag.” We will also continue to blend using “a” and “i” with our new “g” sound. Additionally the class will learn proper nouns for places, people,and pets, make story predictions, answer inference questions, and retell a story using a sequence of events.
MATH- The students will model, count, and write numbers 15 and 16, and solve problems by using the drawing method.
RELIGION- We are still discussing the story, The Widow’s MIte.
SCIENCE- The class will continue to discuss the Earth’s surface and landforms.
SOCIAL STUDIES- Our focus is St. Parick’s Day and why many people celebrate on March 17.
Wednesday, 3/15 our class will be going to the book fair.
Friday, 3/17 is a no uniform day, but you must wear something green.
“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read.” Mark Twain
Mrs. Uss