Welcome to a new week! I hope everyone was safe and warm during the snow storm last week and that everyone enjoyed our impromptu long weekend. As a result of a shortened week, we have a lot to catch up on this week before we are off next week for Winter Recess.

7th Social Studies

On Friday, the seventh grade students will take their test on chapter 6. The study guide will be available on Tuesday, so check back. Extra help will be on Thursday morning.

8th Social Studies

This week the eighth grade will do an intensive overview of World War I. We will primarily focus on how the U.S. was involved, and what life was like here on the home front.

8th Religion

The students will make up their memory quiz on Psalm 51:10-12 on Tuesday. This week we will be reviewing for a test on unit 3, which will be on Friday. The students will complete the study guide in two parts. Part I is available here. Part II will be posted Tuesday. Extra help will be Friday. Just as a reminder, the third quarter project is due when we return from break on Monday, February 27th.