Greetings, and welcome to a new week! Here are the plans for this week.

7th Social Studies

This week we are studying the events that led up to the American Revolution, starting first with the infamous Tea Act and Boston Tea Party. This is actually section 3 of chapter 5, but it will tie in with the events of chapter 6.

8th Social Studies

In eighth grade social studies, we are studying American foreign policy of the 19th and early 20th centuries. We are starting first with our involvement in the Pacific region, and then we will go into the Spanish American War.

8th Religion

This week we are continuing to study life under the Judges of Israel. First, we will study the book of Ruth. In addition to the regular curriculum, we will also have activities and assignments that will tie in with National Lutheran Schools Week, such as prayer rocks, a lesson on church history, and writing to students at other Lutheran schools. The memory verse for this week is Isaiah 48:17, which can be found on page 61 of the student book.