I welcome everyone to Art this year and look forward to our ARTrageous Adventures together!

Parents — please make sure you check my blog each week for any special announcements such as:  special items to bring to class, art contest information and projects we are working on.

Your child should be bringing home an Art Information/Rules or Behavior Contract in the next couple of weeks.  The older students will need to have theirs signed by a parent and brought back to me.

Your child SHOULD have an art smock or old shirt in school so that uniforms are properly protected.

This Week in Art…

3AA — Artist Faith Ringgold     Students will draw their favorite family memories (based on the book Tar Beach)

5A — Observational Drawing of a shoe (pencil sketch) Step 1 –to be used for a transformational drawing.

1AA — My rainbow fish (based on the book Rainbow Fish) using craypas and watercolor

7A/7AA — Tissue Paper Collage


Keep Creating!

Mrs. E. Kerwin

[email protected]