“Love One Another, Help One Another, Pray for One Another”, Jesus said.

The Pre-K has been learning with Jesus’ help how to be a helper.  We can—–like Mary and Martha serve others in our homes; like Dorcas we share our toys and clothes; like Paul’s nephew we help our family and friends stay safe; and like the poor widow we give all we have to others.

Our Social Studies lessons showed how others help us—–the letter carrier(we mailed our valentines); the dentist who cares for our teeth; the nurse who shows us how to wash our hands; the firefighter and police officer who keep us safe; and the teachers who help us grow.  Mommies and daddies even told us about their work and how it helps our families.

Our Science lessons helped us to develop an appreciation for God’s wonderful world of snow and ice, sun and shadows and all the food we eat in order to stay healthy.

Music has brought us to Serge Prokofieff’s  Peter and the Wolf.  We learned about Russian folktales; learned to recognize the musical motifs for each character as well as the instruments that played them; and saw how the characters all helped each other in a desperate situation.

Literature and language continue to develop our communication skills.

Mm-  Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Burton

Magic Fish –  a fairy tale

Vv-    Growing Vegetable Soup  by Ehlert

Valentine Secrets

Dd-    Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff

The Twelve Dancing Princesses –  a fairy tale

Bb-    Bremen Town Musicians – a folk tale

The Brave Little Tailor – a fairy tale

Ff-     The Franklin Stories

The Frog Prince – a fairy tale

In these we discover authors, illustrators and setting as well as story sequences.

As we live each day in the classroom it is a pleasure to watch our children learn to help and love each other.


“Therefore, as we have opportunity let us do good(Love, Help, Pray) to all people”  Galatians 5:10.