READING – Next Monday, November 23, we will have our first Reading test on material learned in Unit 1. A study sheet will be sent home at the end of this week, as well as the Reader’s Notebook for you to use to help your child review the reading material.

Our focus in Reading has been what kinds of work people do and the tools people use to do work. Our high frequency words are, “I,” “like,” “and,” and “the.” We are also listening to identify the beginning sounds in words with our focus on beginning “m” and “s” sounds. Our stories in our readers have given us practice reading fluently, and using picture clues and written text to answer questions. Students have also been learning about verbs, also known as “action words.”

MATH- With our focus on numbers 6-9, we have been learning to use two colored counters to model ways to make the afore-mentioned numbers. For example: 3 red counters, 3 yellow counters is one way to model 6, 4 red counters, 3 yellow counters, is one way to model 7, etc. We are also learning to count objects and write numbers 6-9.

RELIGION- Jacob’s dream and Joseph and his brothers are our Bible stories. We are also discussing “thankfulness.”

SOCIAL STUDIES-  The class is studying the story of the First Thanksgiving. Last week we talked about Vererans Day and wrote notes to the Veterans that are members of The American Legion in Syosset, to thank them for their service.

SCIENCE- Our topic of discussioin is “hibernation.”

HANDWRITING- We continue to practice writing numbers, specifically 6, 7, 8, and 9.


Our school wide Thanksgiving Feast is Tuesday, Nov. 24th.


The true object of education should be to train one to think clearly and act rightly.