Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling-There will be a test on lesson 9 words on Wednesday. The words for the next lesson are: us, sun, bat, fun, bus, run. The new vocabulary (“R” book) words will be: eat, put, give, small, one, take. The children will write all 10 spelling words 3x each for homework by Monday. There will be a Spelling test on those words (lesson 10) next Wednesday (11/25). We will be writing sentences for our spelling words after Thanksgiving. I will start out slowly!

Phonics- short e, blends with s

Language Arts- singular and plural nouns

Reading: Our tests on lesson 9, “Dr. Seuss” will be given on Wednesday. We will then begin lesson 10 on Thursday. The story is “A Cupcake party”. The tests for lesson 10 will be given on Wednesday, 11/25 (it is a half day of school). I know it has been confusing since we have so many days off in November and the tests are on a different day each week, but we will be back to Friday tests starting the week of 11/30.

Math- Chapter 4 Subtraction test on Tuesday 11/17
Practice test on Monday

Religion- Daily devotions and bible stories

Science- Habitats test on Thursday- study guides were sent home last week

Social Studies- How people change land

1AA News

Our Star of the Week is Kara! We will also be celebrating her birthday!

As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child has enough warm outerwear as we try to go out each day to give the children a chance to run around!

I enjoyed meeting with each and every one of you at parent/teacher conferences! Thank you for all your input, and please contact me if you would like to meet again at any time: [email protected]

Have a great week!
Mrs. Flomer