We are finishing up The Homework Machine. There will be a take home test on Tuesday with vocabulary and comprehension.
No Spelling. No grammar.
We will begin reading Hound Dog True and completing various vocabulary, comprehension, and writing activities.
S.S: Test Thursday.Ch 4. Homework Packet: Europe in the New World due Friday. Please complete in FULL SENTENCES. Foldable will be graded as a classwork grade.
Science: Ch 3 test Wed. We made models of cells. The students seemed to work well together and enjoy it. We made models of our arms, the bone and muscles, to see how muscles always pull, never push. Notebook check Wed.( Quiz grade)
Bible: We are exploring friendship and what God says about being a good friend. Verse test Wed. Proverbs 17;9. Verse and meaning.
We are talking about how we find things in the Bible. We have explored the parts of the Bible.
Book review due 10;30.
Next week is spirit week. We will be dressing our best on Wed. Having decade day on Thursday and athletic/sports day on Friday.
Picture day Tues. 10/20. Wear uniform. Picture time is 8:45 so please be on time for school.
Last Wed we did our chapel on forgiveness. As part of it we used a poster with the following saying on it:
The first to APOLOGIZE is the BRAVEST.
The first to FORGIVE is the STRONGEST.
The first to FORGET is the HAPPIEST.
It has gotten me thinking about the need for forgiveness all the time. Not only when it’s easy. When we looked at the many verses in the Bible about forgiveness I was reminded that forgiving is commanded of me and if I want to live for God, harboring bad feelings is not an option.
Just a thought