Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes.
I hope you all enjoyed the long holiday weekend!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week:

Spelling- There is a spelling test on last week’s words this Wednesday. The next list of words for Lesson 27 is: hard, harder, hardest, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, sooner. The test on these words will be next Wednesday, 6/3.

Phonics- words with –er and -est

Language Arts- kinds of sentences

Reading: The reading tests for lesson 26, The Dot, will be given this Wednesday. We will then start lesson 27. The story is: What Can You Do? The tests for this story will be given next Wednesday, 6/3.

Math- Review of concepts- test this Thursday, 5/28
A review page was sent home on Tuesday.

Science- We will review chapter 11 for next week’s test on Thursday, 6/4. Study sheets will be sent home this week.

Class News

The children did a wonderful job in the Spring Show last week!! It was great to see so many of the parents there!

Wednesday 5/27- Field Day- rain or shine
It’s a dress down day. Wear red, white and blue!

Friday 5/30- June lunch menus due
Giving Back Assembly at 9am

We learned so much about the Solar System on our trip to the Planetarium last week! We enjoyed a picnic lunch outside after the show and everyone was so well behaved!

Friday 6/12: Picnic at Syosset-Woodbury Park-meet at the park at 10 am. Wear class T-shirts that will be distributed before the picnic. Every child must be accompanied by a parent/adult.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Flomer