Mrs. Uss and her Kindergarten Class

The year has gone by so quickly and Kindergarten students have been busy learning many new concepts.Some of the concepts learned included, Math, addition, subtraction, two and three dimentional shapes, measurement, and numbers to 100, Language Arts, high frequency words, phonics and decoding, reading fluency, stories that were fiction and non-fiction, story comprehension, grammer, and writing, letters, words, numbers and sentences.Some of the topics we’ve explored in Science are living and non-living creatures, different types of water, how plants grow, and the stages of a butterfly.Each year I ask each student to tell me their favorite thing in Kindergarten. It is always interesting to  me to learn what my students have chosen.These are the responses for this year:

Alex- I liked going to the playground and playing Skylanders.

Sofia- I liked watching Peppa Pig at dismissal.

Isaiah- I liked playing on the playground.

Omarion- I liked playing basketball in the Gym.

Theodore- I liked playing the bug game on the computer.

Amari- I liked going to the pumpkin farm.

Patrick- I liked our field trip to the dentist.

Mariah- I liked learning about Math.

Benny- I liked learning about Math.

Luke- I liked Relative’s Day.

Kylie- I liked reading.

Ben- I liked going to Gym.

Abigail- I liked going to the pumpkin farm.

It is interesting to note the varied responses, and to observe that over the years children are still children. They still are learning through social interaction and by “hands on activities” along with academics.

I pray that we, as teachers and staff at Trinity, will be able to continue to instill a love of learning in our students in this Christian environment called Trinity.

Remember: One song can change a moment, one idea can change a world, one step can start a journey, but one PRAYER can change the impossible!

Please pray for Trinity Lutheran Church and School!

Summer Your Way!

Where can you go “Up in the Air”, “Hop Through Summer”, “Party for a Week”
enjoy water fun, truck day, science programs, The Fun Bus, and 60 Second
Challenge games?   Trinity’s Celebrate Summer offers this and much more!
Our affordable program for children 3 through 11 years old begins on June
29 and runs through August 21.  Campers may register for 2, 3, 4, or 5 days
per week.  Program tuition includes all activities, a Celebrate Summer
T-shirt, snacks, a weekly visit from the ice cream truck and pizza lunch on

Trinity’s Celebrate Summer program is excited to partner with Write OnLearning
this summer!  Mrs. Karen Sanders, a classroom teacher and private tutor,
will develop a curriculum based on your child’s personal learning goals.  All
resource materials, notebooks, and pencils will be provided for the six,
one-hour tutoring sessions.   Mrs. Sanders is offering a special rate of
$300 to our Trinity families.  For additional information, email
[email protected]

*Mom’s Bible Study*

We will have a regular Moms Bible Study on 5/28 at 7p in the faculty room.  Thursday, 6/11, we will have a mom’s night out at On the Border Restaurant, Hicksville. If you can commit, please email [email protected] so we can let them know how many to expect in our party. Meet there at 7p. You don’t have to be a member of the Bible Study to attend!! THEN, we plan to meet thru the summer every 2nd and 4th Thursday! Come to one meeting or all! We are having fun learning and growing.. Join us 7p, faculty room at Trinity!

*Science Fair*

Mr. Livingston and Mr. Stainkamp are putting on a science fair this year.
The fair will be on June 4.  Suggested topics have been given to the

*Drama Club*

The Drama Club will be presenting Peter Pan, Jr. on Friday, May 29 at 7pm
and Saturday, May 30 at 1pm.  Don’t miss this great show.  TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE.  A FLYER WENT HOME LAST WEEK.

8th Grade News

The Six Flags trip is scheduled for June 5, 7 am – 8pm.  Permission slips will be going home shortly,

The Sports Awards Breakfast is on Saturday, June 6 from 10-12.

Baccalaureate Service is Sunday, June 7 at the 10:30 service. All 8th graders should report to their homerooms by 10:00.


May 28, 2015 – PTFA Meeting at 7:00pm in the Youth Senior Room.  The PTFA needs your help.  We are in the process of choosing a PTFA board and filling the calendar with fundraisers for the next school year.  You can make a difference.  We need you!  Please come be a part of the great things that we can accomplish for our children and our school.

June 10, 2015 – PTFA FREE Ice-Cream Social.  The students will have the opportunity during the afternoon of the 10th to go outside and play and socialize with their friends while enjoying free ice-cream from Mark’s Ice-Cream Truck courtesy of the PTFA as a celebration of a great school year.

The PTFA is in need of many volunteers for the next school year.  If you have a few hours to give, please let Mrs. Seemangal know at[email protected]

Upcoming Activities

Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday May 27

K-3  Field Day, 10-12

3-4 Critter Club

Thursday, May 28

7 pm PTFA meeting

Friday, May 29

3-4 Soccer Shots

7pm Peter Pan, Jr. Musical

Saturday, May 30

1pm Peter Pan Musical