Happy Mother’s Day! One of God’s greatest gifts to us was our Mothers! Thank you to all my students mothers for making that extra effort in all of their lives! They wouldn’t be where they are without you!


8th Grade Earth Science: This week we will begin the dynamic crust unit.

7th Grade Life Science: This week we will complete the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems. There will be a quiz on these body systems at the end of the week. It will cover Ch 22 sections 2-4.

6th Grade Earth Science: Monday we will wrap up severe weather. This week we begin Rocks and Minerals. Students will receive a take home quiz on the remainder of the Weather Unit on Wednesday. It will be due on Friday. On Friday, we will complete a lab on mineral identification based on the mineral properties we will be learning about all week.

7th Grade Health: Pastor Henn will be our special guest to discuss sex-ed.