We are very busy in class and we are enjoying finally getting outside on our playground! This week we are working on our Mother’s Day surprises. Happy Mother’s Day to all our nursery moms.

We are continuing with our nursery rhyme unit. Hey, Diddle , diddle is our next rhyme to learn.

On Friday , May 8th Mrs. Evers’ class will be getting a visit from the Hicksville Fire Dept. The Fire Dept. will visit Mrs. Krass’ class on Tuesday, May 12.

Language Arts: Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? by Eric Carle, Mommy Carry Me Please! by Jane Cabrera and I Love My Mama by Peter Kavanagh. Alphabet center- review letters of the alphabet and sounds.

Jesus Time: The story of Noah.

Math: Counting our friends , flowers and number bean bags. Number recognition and counting flies over the old lady’s head.

Science: We are watching our caterpillars as they eat and eat and grow and grow! Life cycle of a butterfly. Signs of spring… the leaves are growing back again on the trees on our playground.

We are learning new songs for our end of year program.

Dates to remember for nursery activities:

May 8 & 12– Fire Dept. visits the nursery classes at Trinity.

May 18 & 19– Class picnics to Cantiague Park. Please meet us there at 9;30 am. Five day students may select either Monday or Tuesday or both days to attend. Please inform Mrs. Krass and Mrs. Evers when your child will attend. Arrangements will be made for them on the day they do not attend. Full day students are welcome back to school after the park visit.

June 8– Closing program for both nursery classes @ 9:15 am. Program will be in the chapel with celebration continuing in the YSR after the program.

June 12– Last day of school for ECC