Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- The new words for this week are: soon, new, noon, zoo, boot, too, moon, blew, soup, you. The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework by Tuesday. They should write 10 sentences due by Wednesday. Encourage your child to be creative! Their writing skills have grown so much! Spelling Test will be on Friday.

Phonics- oo, ou, ew, ue

Language Arts- indefinite pronouns

Reading: We will read the story, A Tree is a Plant. The children will read the story again at home. There will be Reading tests on Friday.

Math- We have finished our Math book, and now we have lessons on “Getting Ready for Second Grade”. There will be review worksheets coming home instead of the Math workbook. They are concepts the children are familiar with and we will be expanding on them.

Science- Test Thursday on Chapter 6- We will then begin a chapter on our Solar System in preparation for our trip to the Planetarium!

Social Studies- Unit 5: Our Constitution

Weekly Reader- Seeds to Plants

1AA News

Happy May! Can you believe we are in the homestretch!

The children may wear uniform shorts and polos. Sneakers may be worn with the shorts. Shoes must still be worn with the pants and jumpers.

Thank you to all whom already sent in the permission slip and $8 for our class trip. Please send them in by Wednesday if you have not already done so as I have to send payment to the Planetarium this week.

Please be sure that your child completes all of his/her homework each night in their neatest handwriting.

Have a great week!

Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday!