8th Grade Physical Science
Mr. Stainkamp
Welcome Back to another year at Trinity! I hope you all enjoyed your summer vacations and are looking forward to starting your eighth grade year. In this class you will be responsible for the following;
- Coming to class with your required materials.
- These include a three ring binder, a place to take notes, and a pen
- Your textbook will also be required on most days.
- Completing homework assignments on time. Late homework will not be given full credit.
- Maintaining good classroom behaviour.
- Coming to class ready to learn.
Homework will be a frequent, but not an every night occurrence. Class policy for homework is that it is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated. Since homework is corrected in class late assignments will not be given credit, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Grades will be based on Tests and Quizzes, Homework, and Class Participation.
In an effort to make completing work easier, and to help lighten up student backpacks there is a digital copy of both the textbook and the workbook posted on the school blog. Most homeworks assignments will be out of the workbook. Hopefully posting it online will alleviate the infamous “I left my HW in my locker,” excuse.
I’m looking forward to a great year. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email is [email protected].
Happy September,
Mr. Stainkamp