Hola Bienvenidos a la clase de español para la semana del 8 de octubre del 2018. Welcome to Spanish for the week of 10/8/18. Since this week is a short week it will packed reviewing a lot of new and old material. This week we will finish up our weather/seasonal charts. Feel free to speak to your child in Spanish this week, by asking them what is the weather like today (¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?). They should be able to answer (if they need help remind them of their seasonal charts that we have been working on in class.) This week we will go into how to tell time in Spanish and we will also begin our review for their oral quiz which will be on October 16th. The quiz will cover all topics we have covered so far. (Greetings, stating their name , age, weather.) I look forward to our time together in Spanish. Que Dios los bendiga, May God bless.