With Finals right around the corner we are working on finishing our “Year in Review.” Students have received numerous review packets and should be looking those over to help them study for finals next week.
There is a HW packet due on Monday the 3rd, and one due on Thursday the 6th.
Students were also given an extra credit assignment last week that they may hand in any day up to Friday the 7th. Please encourage them to do this assignment because it can greatly raise their quarter average. Below is the handout for the Extra Credit Assignment.
~Mr. Stainkamp
Select one Science Related Article from a Newspaper of your choice. Read the article and prepare a brief presentation of about five sentences summarizing your article.
You must hand in you summary along with a copy of the original article. Articles can come from any Newspaper or Online Journal, but make sure that it is science related (Technology does NOT count).
Students may submit up to 5 Articles any day beginning on Tuesday May 27th through June 6th. Each article will add one “Bonus” point to their last homework assignment.