6th grade-The sixth grade will finish their unit on the food this week. They will also begin their last unit on the human body and clothing. This will also serve as a review of colors and the verb tener.
lunes-no tarea
martes-choice: index cards or 3x each of human body vocabulary.
miércoles-choice: index cards or 3x each of clothing voc.
viernes-Take home packet
7th grade-This week seventh grade will continue their study on the sports unit. They will have their final assessment on Tuesday May 20.
lunes- worksheet 5.6
martes-worksheet 5.7-5.8
miércoles-worksheet 5.9
jueves-worksheet 5.11
viernes-No tarea
8th grade-This week the eight grade will review comparisons of inequality and comparisons of equality. Students will use their knowledge of adjectives and the verb ser. This will also serve as a review of subject verb agreement in Spanish.
lunes-test corrections
martes-finish comparisons worksheet p91-94
miércoles-la comunidad packet 4
jueves-la comunidad packet 5
viernes-la comunidad packet 6