With only two and a half days of school this week we will not be following some of our regular routines. Instead we will be focusing on writing and our current Science unit. We have also been talking about being grateful and keeping a journal of things we are thankful for.
I’m looking forward to meeting with all of you this week. In order to make the conference go smoothly, please fill out the questionnaire sent home on Friday and return it in the envelope provided on Tuesday.
WEEK: November 12-16
SPELLING: Spelling Bee on Friday
READING:Small groups and finish “Sarah Plain and Tall”
MATH: multiplying two-digit numbers
SOCIAL STUDIES: Test on Chapter 3
SCIENCE: Unit 5 Animals Touchy, Feely
RELIGION: “Dear God” letters
TESTS this week:
- Wednesday – Social Studies, Chapter 3
- Friday – Memory Quiz
- NO school on Monday AND Thursday
- EARLY dismissal on Wednesday
- Please complete the conference questionnaire sent home on Friday.
- Turkey Trot registration due Friday.
This week’s prayer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKcImiTxqKg