It’s hard to believe that the birth of our Savior is finally upon us.  The students have been writing Christmas stories during the month of December and will be bringing them home in a folder this week to share with their families.  Each child retold the Nativity story in their own words.  It was wonderful to read how special Jesus is to each one of them. 

I wish all of the 4th grade families a blessed Christmas and all the best in 2017.  Thank you for sharing the gift of your children with me each day!

Week: December 19-23

There will be a Social Studies test on Chapter 4 on Tuesday.

We will have our class Christmas party on Monday.  On Tuesday, we will be visited by the museum educators from Hofstra and they will help the students to recall the exhibits from our field trip there.  On Wednesday, several of the students will be performing instrumental music at the Broadway Mall.

Merry Christmas everyone!