This will be a busy week in 4th grade with holiday excitement and finishing up our academic assignments for 2017. The students have written stories about Christmas traditions, as well as retelling the story of the nativity in their own words. They are all looking forward to hearing the end of our novel, “The Last Holiday Concert.”
I’d like to take the opportunity to wish all of the 4th grade families a blessed Christmas, a relaxing vacation week, and a very happy 2018!
Week: December 18-22
TESTS this week
- Wednesday – Social Studies, Chapter 4
- Our Secret Santa gift exchange is on Wednesday. Some students have not brought in their gifts. Please be sure your child arrives to school on Wednesday with a gift for their classmate so that we can carry on the event as planned.
- Chapel will be on Friday this week. We will worship together in a special Christmas service at 2:10pm before we leave to celebrate the holiday.
- Our class party is Friday. Thank you to Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Thelusca for organizing this event.
This week’s prayer video: