This week we will be administering the Terranova Exams. There is no way to study for these tests but students should arrive to school on time and well-rested. Number two pencils are required for the tests so please be sure your child has those available in school this week. The testing will be done in small sections each day, Monday through Thursday. Friday will be the day for make up exams.
Week of: April 16-20
Spelling: NO Spelling this week
Reading: If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island. story and questions
Writing: writing haiku and diamante poems
Math: Test on Chapter 8
Science: Unit 5 Lesson 2 What are Some Internal Structures of Animals?
Social Studies: Chapter 9, Lesson1 Inventions and Industry
Thursday – Math, Chapter 8
- Extra help in Math Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30am
This week’s prayer video: