This week as we all join around a table with our loved ones we will be giving thanks to our Lord for all he has blessed us with.  I am so thankful for my students and their families and will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.

It was nice meeting with everyone during Parent Teacher conferences last Thursday.  The children are so lucky to have such supportive families encouraging them through their education.

Next week you will receive a December packet.  The holidays are such a busy time of year for all of us so I give all of the important dates and deadlines well in advance.  I am looking forward to sharing the Christmas season with the class.

Week:  November 21-25

Spelling: NO Spelling this week

Grammar: review recent concepts

Reading: Various stories in Reading Groups

Writing:  Writing Thanksgiving gratitude paragraphs

Math: Division as repeated subtraction

Science:   Test on Chapter 7

Social Studies: First Thanksgiving video

Religion: daily devotions, weekly Dear God letters


  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Social Studies, Chapter 3


  • NO Math Extra Help this week
  • Tuesday is our Thanksgiving Feast.  Thanks to all the parents who have volunteered to help serve at this event.
  • Wednesday is the TLS Turkey Trot.  A reminder note will be sent home to all registered participants
  • Have a blessed Thanksgiving

This week’s prayer video: