Don’t forget the Extra Effort Opportunites form is due to school on Tuesday. If your child is doing the bridge project, it is due on Monday, November 1st.


I have heard from Scholastic regarding our book order, and they sincerely apologize for the delay. I am going to hold off placing any additional orders until I feel that they are back on track, and that won’t be before 2022.

This week, the Third Grade is going bat crazy! We are going to be reading and learning all about bats.  In class, children will have an extra opportunity to investigate bats.

We are having a fall party Friday.  A big thank you to our class parent, Ms. Theis, for arranging everything.

This is a testing week for ELA. Our story is Bat Loves the Night and the poem A Bat is Born. We will be focusing on the target skills “sequence of events” and “domain specific vocabulary”. We will also be looking at the strategy “questioning”.  The vocabulary words are twitch, swoops, squeak, echoes, detail, slithers, snuggles, and dozes.  The suffixes -able and -ible will also be part of the vocabulary. The spelling words are more, toast, easy, socks, Friday, stuff, paid, cheese, June, elbow, program, shiny, piles, sticky, each, both, comb, and holiday.  In grammar, we are focusing on verbs.  We are taking tests on comprehension, grammar and spelling this week.

In math, we have focusing on multiplication with the focus on equal groups. We are having a quiz Thursday.  Additionally, we are continuing with xtramath, and on a daily basis, we are focusing on skip counting. The more students work with the numbers, the more comfortable they will be when we transition to memorizing multiplication facts (not yet!).

In religion, we are learning about how the Holy Spirit keeps us in faith.  Our prayer video this week is Symphony by Switch.

Tests and Quizzes

Thursday  Math Ch 3 Quiz

Friday   Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Spelling

Have a great week! Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected]