“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” – Booker T. Washington

Important Information

Only three days this week! I wish all of you a wonderful long weekend, and I hope to see you on Monday at the parade!

The students did a wonderful job performing on this past Tuesday night. They practiced their instruments and singing a lot, and it certainly paid off. They are a wonderful bunch of students, and I am glad they shined so brightly on the stage!

There is marching band practice everyday this week, so students must have their instruments here. They will take them home on Wednesday.


Math: We are learning about liquid volume and mass. We are also learning how to interpret data. No more math tests.There will only be quizzes for the remainder of the year.

ELA: For Unit 5, Weeks 3-4 our essential question is “What do good citizens do?” The following is a list of everything we will be covering in ELA, including our vocabulary and spelling words.

  • Genre: Fairy Tale
  • Shared Reading: ““Juanita and the Beanstalk”
  • Anchor Text: “Clever Jack Takes the Cake”
  • Paired Selection: “Money: Then and Now”
  • Summarize
  • Theme
  • Author’s Purpose
  • Character Perspective
  • Vocabulary Words
    • admit
    • barter
    • consider
    • creation
    • humble
    • magnificent
    • payment
    • reluctantly
  • Week 3 Spelling Words
      • basket
      • rabbit
      • lesson
      • letter
      • invite
      • bedtime
      • mammal
      • number
      • fellow
      • chapter
      • follow
      • problem
      • chicken
      • butter
      • napkin
      • hoping
      • dances
      • dropped
      • suppose
      • stubborn

Social Studies: We are studying our growing nation. This week we will focus on the promise of a new nation and America moving west.

Science: We are exploring weather.



Have a wonderful week! If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]