I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the warm weather!

Joke of the Week: How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow?

Song of the Week- The Commission by CAIN

Language Arts- This week we will continue Unit 7 of our Wonder’s series. Our essential question is, Where do animals live? & we will read, “Bear Snores On”.  We will learn the sight word – said and we will focus on the letters and their sounds. We will continue to blend sounds and determine the missing sounds in CVC words, count how many words in a sentence and write correct sentences. We will continue to review all the different word families and in grammar, we will learn about verbs in the future tense.

Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be word families and writing.

Math- This week we will continue Module 12– Put Together and Take Apart Within 10.

Math Centers- We will do addition and subtraction problems.

Jesus Time- We will continue to read about the Easter Story and the learn about Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter Sunday!

Science: This week we will learn about animals in their habitat during spring.

There is NO SCHOOL FRIDAY MARCH 22ND due to a Professional Development Day!

Answer: It is either one or the udder!