6th grade-This week the sixth grade will review “La casa” vocabulary. They will also learn how to use and conjugate the verb “Estar”. Finally, they will use the verb Estar with prepositions. Students should expect a quiz next Tuesday.
Tarea (homework):
lunes (Monday)- Write 10 sentences in Spanish about your house using “La casa” vocabulary.
martes (Tuesday)- No tarea.
miércoles (Wednesday)- Prepositions worksheet 1.
jueves (Thursday)-Prepositions worksheet 2.
viernes (Friday)- No tarea.
7th grade-This week the seventh grade will continue with the unit, “En el café” with their review tof the verb gustar. They will also learn how to conjugate irregular -ER verbs such as Pedir (to order) and Servir (to serve).
Tarea (homework):
lunes (Monday)- Gustar+ Noun worksheet p. 1
martes (Tuesday)- Gustar+ Noun worksheet p.2
miércoles (Wednesday)- “Pedir” worksheet
jueves (Thursday)- “Servir” worksheet
viernes (Friday)- No tarea.
8th grade-This week the eight grade will continue with the unit “Los quehaceres/los deberes de la casa.” Students will learn how to say different chores in Spanish. They will also review the present progressive and irregular verbs in the “yo” form. Students must also complete “La casa de mis sueños” Project at home. Students will present on projects on March 7, 2014. For more information regarding the project please see the links below.
Tarea (homework):
lunes (Monday)- “Angelita” worksheet
martes (Tuesday)- No tarea.
miércoles (Wednesday)- Tener worksheet
jueves (Thursday)-Finish second draft of project.
viernes (Friday)- Work on “La casa de mis sueños” project.
Project Due: March 7, 2014
Please visit link for a list of vocabulary that will help in doing this project.
For more information regarding project please visit the following link:
“La casa de mis sueños” Project