Earth Science:  The 9.1 quiz will be on Thursday 4/7.  This week in class we will be learning about volcanic eruptions and how it effects the world around us.  The 9.2 and 9.3 quizzes will be next week.

Physical Science:  The 13.2 quiz will be on Thursday 4/7.  This week in class we will be learning all about the different types of chemical bonds.   The three bonds we will discuss are ionic, covalent and metallic.

Life Science:  The Chapter 22 test is on Monday.  The test was moved due to the assembly on Friday.  This week we will learn about the following body systems:  cardiovascular, lymphatic and respiratory.  There will be a quiz Friday on 23.1 & 23.2.

Living Environment:  The Unit 7 test is on Tuesday 4/5.  This week in class we will be learning about the following body systems:  digestive, excretory, and nervous system.  The quiz for chapters 30 & 31 will be on Wednesday 4/13.