There is no school on Monday.

Earth Science:  There is a quiz Thursday on section 2.2.  In class this week we will be learning all about topographic maps.  The test on Chapter 2 will be on Thursday 10/21.  A review sheet will be given out in class this week.

Physical Science:  There will be a quiz this week on sections 2.2 (10/13) and 2.3 (10/15).  In class this week we will be discussing chemical properties of matter.  The test on Chapter 2 will be on Thursday 10/21.  A review sheet will be given out in class this week.

Life Science:  The test on Chapter 2 is on Tuesday.  In class this week we will be talking about the diversity of cells and the cell theory.

Living Environment:  There will be a quiz this week on chapter 4 (10/12) and 5 (10/15).  In class this week we will be discussing limits to population growth as well as how the ecosystem changes.  We will also be working on a project learning about food webs.