We are getting into the swing of things…Here’s what is going on:

Reading: We are reading THE HOMEWORK MACHINE by Dan Gutman. Ask your child about it. Test next week.
Spelling: Words from THE HOMEWORK MACHCHINE. Test Friday.
Vocabulary: Words from THE HOMEWORK MACHINE. Quiz Friday.
WEEKLY READING LOG HOMEWORK: Monday through Thursday students read a book of their choice for 15 minutes and respond to it. Please sign the chart and have your student hand in on Friday.

Religion: Prayer. Test next Friday, 10/1
SS: Chapter 1: Test 10/15. Vocabulary quiz: 10/1
Science: We are making smores in solar powered pizza box ovens.
Math: Ch 1: quiz 10/1, test 10/4

Thank you for all you do for your children. This class is smart and funny. I look forward to seeing you on the Back To School zoom Thursday evening at 6:30.
Mrs. Lively