Pre- Algebra

This week we are continuing with our new chapter on Pythagorean Theorem.  There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 3/21 on how to apply this concept to 2D and 3D figures.  The class did an amazing job with their Pythagorean Theorem presentations last week. The rest of the week we will explore how to use and apply the midpoint formula.


We are continuing with our chapter on Quadratic Equations.  This week we will learn how to use the quadratic formula and how to solve using equations by completing the sqaure.  There are not any tests or quizzes this week.

Important Dates

Thursday, 3/23:  Dress Down Day (proceeds go to support 8th grade graduation activities)

Friday, 3/24:  Professional Development Day- No School

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].