Here’s to another full week…

ELA: Reading: We are reading The Cricket in Times Square. It’s a great tale of friendship and imagination. We will complete a packet to increase comprehension and vocabulary that will be graded as a test. We will discuss theme, setting, plot, and character development.
Grammar: Three kinds of conjunctions, prepositions
Writing: We are finishing persuasive writing and will be writing in our journals
SS: Ch 4 lesson 2: Daily life in the Colonies
We are researching an influential Black American, answering a number of questions about them, and creating their head and shoulders. This will be graded as a test. Work will be done in class and at home.
Science: Unit 2 lesson 5: How can you save a town from a hurricane?
Lesson and activity. We will practice voacbulary. Test 2/16
Religion: We are learning about the minisrty of Jesus, His miracles, and disciples. Quiz upon completion.
Please be sure your student comes to school with a charged up chromebook each day.
If your student is not in class for any reason, please be sure he/she is completing what is missed. I am here for assistance.

In our daily devotions, we have been reading and talking about being in God’s will, in His plan for our lives. This is a tricky concept but your children seem to get the idea that God wishes to bless us and we are more apt to feel His peace when we truly give our trust to Him.
Have a great week. Mrs. Lively