Spelling-. The list of words for Lesson 27 is: hard, harder, hardest, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, sooner, always, different. The test on these words will be on Friday.

Phonics- words with –er and –est
The students will have to know when to use the –er ending (if comparing 2 things) and –est ending (comparing more than 2 things). They must remember the rule of changing a y at the end of a word to an i before adding –er or –est.

Language Arts- types of sentences

Reading: The story this week is: What Can You Do? The test for this story will be given on Friday.

Math- We are on the last chapter: 2-D Geometry
There will be a math test on Thursday.

Social Studies- Book 5: Our Government; Constitution

Scholastic News- Octopuses

Class News

First grade will be doing the chapel service on Wednesday if you would like to join the chapel Zoom at 8:40. The information was sent home. Please help your child practice their lines.

Please remind your child to bring a water bottle to school each day, especially with the warmer weather. I also suggest that they keep a sweater in school for when we need to use the air conditioner on warm days (in case they feel chilly).

We are in the home stretch! We still have work to do to finish our 1st grade curriculum, but the children have grown so much academically and I am very proud of how hard they have worked!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Flomer