Here’s a look at what we will be doing in first grade for the week of 1/16/23:

SPELLING- The new words (list 13) are: rice, page, wedge like, from, nice, age, ledge, ride, once. Since we are taking the Terra Nova tests this week, I will be spending 2 weeks on lesson 13 which means there will be no spelling test this week. I will give the test next week on Friday,1/27. The children should write their words 3x each by Wednesday, 1/25.

PHONICS-long a words

READING- We will begin lesson 13 and read The Gingerbread Man but because the students will be taking the Terra Nova achievement tests, there will not be a reading test until Friday, 1/27. We will spend 2 weeks on this lesson.

MATH- Terra Nova Achievement tests

SCIENCE- Animal behaviors

RELIGION- Jesus’s baptism


As Mrs. Forte explained in last week’s Trinity Times, the students in grades 1-8 will be taking the Terra Nova Achievement tests this week. I will be giving the tests on Wednesday and Thursday as there will be a substitute teacher in for me on Tuesday.

Please be sure that your child has a water bottle in school each day as they are often thirsty throughout the day and are permitted to keeep water bottles on their desks.

Book orders were sent home last week, and are due by Wednesday, 1/18. You may order online or send your order into school and I wil order the books. Thank you.

Have a great week!