Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week:

Spelling-. The list of words for Lesson 27 is: hard, harder, hardest, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, sooner, always, different. The “S” book is due on Thursday. The test on these words will be on Friday.

Phonics- words with –er and –est
The students will have to know when to use the –er ending (if comparing 2 things) and –est ending (comparing more than 2 things). They must remember the rule of changing a y at the end of a word to an i before adding –er or –est.

Language Arts- types of sentences

Reading: The story this week is: What Can You Do? The test for this story will be given on Friday.

Math- We are finishing chapter 10 (graphing). The test is this Tuesday.

Social Studies- Daily Life Past and Present

Scholastic News- A Playground for All (inclusion)

Class News

Our ABC countdown started on Monday. The children had fun with their ANIMALS on Monday. I will supply the Bubbles and Chalk for B and C days this week.

Please remind your child to bring a water bottle to school each day, especially with the warmer weather coming, hopefully! They also need to have a mask in school each day for when we do activities where they are working closely together. Thank you!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Flomer